Here are some of the tabs i made by ear, mostly because they were not available neither on the net, nor in the shops.
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Home==== LESS ==== by jelloul ( Some people advice to tune the guitar that way: EBEG#BE ,so that the chords are easier to play. for example the F becomes F:111111 ,G:333333,and so on. Still you are not forced ti di that,and i give the real name of the chords (ie when the guitar is tuned EADGBE) Intro and verses: ------------------- E F F# G A# E F F# G F e|-0-1-2--3-3--6-----0-1-2---3-3---1-------------------| B|-0-1-2--3-3--6-----0-1-2---3-3---1-------------------| G|-1-2-3--4-4--7-----1-2-3---4-4---2-------------------| D|-2-3-4--5-5--8-----2-3-4---5-5---3-------------------| A|-2-3-4--5-5--8-----2-3-4---5-5---3-------------------| E|-0-1-2--3-3--6-----0-1-2---3-3---1-------------------| (Before the chorus,instead of G F ,stay on the G) Couplet: --------- I could give you more, but you still wouldn't be happy I could give all you need, but you still wouldn' t be satisfied I could give to our poor Now what good would that be? You'd shake hands with Jesus And you still would not believe chorus: --------- RiffA E D# D B E B C e||-7-7--6--5---7---7--8--|| B||-9-9--8--7---7---7--8--|| G||-9-9--8--7---8---8--9--|| d||-9-9--8--7---9---9--10-|| A||-7-7--6--5---9---9--10-|| E||-7-7--6--5---7-0-7--8--|| If you're happy with nothing you'll be so very happy with me The less you expect the more you'll be pleased The more you'll be pleased (then:) A C F E F E F E F e||-5-5--3-1--0-1-0-1-0-1--0---|| B||-5-5--5-1--0-1-0-1-0-1--0---|| G||-6-6--5-2--1-2-1-2-1-2--0---|| (Bis then play the part: ACFEFEF ) D||-7-7--5-3--2-3-2-3-2-3--0---|| (and then the riff for the verse) A||-7-7--3-3--2-3-2-3-2-3--0---|| E||-5-5--3-1--0-1-0-1-0-1--0---|| verse I could change your mind, but what would you really be thinking I'll show you a sign, but you just pass it on by I could hold your hand but then we'll both be sinking The problem with the world is everone's not just like you chorus (RiffA) If you're happy with nothing you'll be so very happy with me The less you expect the more you'll be pleased The more you'll be pleased end of this chorus and bridge: ------------------------------ A C F E F E F E F e||-5-5--3-1--0-1-0-1-0-1--0---|| B||-5-5--5-1--0-1-0-1-0-1--0---|| G||-6-6--5-2--1-2-1-2-1-2--0---|| 3 times D||-7-7--5-3--2-3-2-3-2-3--0---|| A||-7-7--3-3--2-3-2-3-2-3--0---|| E||-5-5--3-1--0-1-0-1-0-1--0---|| A C F F F F F F F F E F# G F# E B E B C B A e|-5-5--3-1--1-1-1-1-1-1-1---||-0-2--3-2--0--7---7-8--7\5---|| B|-5-5--5-1--1-1-1-1-1-1-1---||-0-2--3-2--0--7---7-8--7\5---|| G|-6-6--5-2--2-2-2-2-2-2-2---||-1-3--4-3--1--8---8-9--8\6---|| D|-7-7--5-3--3-3-3-3-3-3-3---||-2-4--5-4--2--9---9-10-9\7---|| A|-7-7--3-3--3-3-3-3-3-3-3---||-2-4--5-4--2--9---9-10-9\7---|| E|-5-5--3-1--1-1-1-1-1-1-1---||-0-2--3-2--0--7-0-7-8--7\5---|| (The part between double frets ('||') is played twice,then come the) (lyrics and he plays this part untill the end ) If you're happy with nothing you'll be so very happy with me If you're happy with nothing you'll be so very happy with me If you're happy with nothing you'll be so very happy with me... So happy with nothing, so happy with me