Here are some of the tabs i made by ear, mostly because they were not available neither on the net, nor in the shops.
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Home============= La Frontera ============= Artist: Lhasa De Sela Transcription by Jelloul ( Date: 22/01/2007 Notes: ===== - Guitar tuned 1/2 step lower (D# G# C# F# A# D#) Chords: ====== B7:x21202 B7/F#:2x1202 : B7 with the major finger is on the E string Read "B7 with a bass of F#" A:00X9109 E:00x454 E/G#:40x454 play the E and use the the thumb for the first string. If the A is too difficult to play, just play the classic one (A:002220). Riffs on the Chords: ==================== B7 A E E/G# e|----0-2---2-2-| |---9--9----9--9--| |----4-4----4-4-| B|----0-0---0-0-| |---10-10---10-10-| |----5-5----5-5-| G|----2-2---2-2-| |---9--9----9--9--| |----4-4----4-4-| D|--------------| |-----------------| |---------------| A|-2------------| |-0---------------| |---------------| E|--------2-----| |---------0-------| |-0-------4-----| For the second "E E" of the introduction, the Riff is slightly different : E E e|----4-4----4-4------4-4------4---4-| B|----5-5-----5-------5-5--------5---| G|----4-4-------4-----4-4----4-------| D|-----------------------------------| A|-----------------------------------| E|-0-------4--------0-----4----------| This kind of arpeggio is also used on the A riff. Sometimes, there are some arpeggio like this : e|-----x-x---| B|-----x-x---| G|---x---x---| D|-----------| A|-----------| E|-x---------| Also, at the end of each verse she plays 1 and a half riff on the A : A E E/G# E e|---9--9----9--9-----9--9----4-4----4-4---4-4----4-4--| B|---10-10---10-10----10-10---5-5----5-5---5-5----5-5--| G|---9--9----9--9-----9--9----4-4----4-4---4-4----4-4--| D|-----------------------------------------------------| A|-0----------------0----------------------------------| E|---------0----------------0-------4----0------4------| de-tras de-sa pa-re ce ============= Introduction ============= B7 A A E E (x2) Verse: ----- E E/G# E E/G# Hoy vuelvo a la frontera B7 A Otra vez he de atravesar A E E/G# Es el viento que me manda B7 E Que me empuja a la frontera E/G# B7 E Y que borra el camino E/G# A A E E/G# E Que detrás desapa-rece E/G# A A E E/G# E E/G# Que detrás desapa-rece Verse: ----- Me arrastro bajo el cielo Y las nubes del invierno Es el viento que las manda Y no hay nadie que las pare A veces combate despiadado A veces baile y a veces…nada A veces baile y a veces…nada Verse: ----- Hoy cruzo la frontera Bajo el cielo Bajo el cielo Es el viento que me manda Bajo el cielo de acero Soy el punto negro que anda A las orillas de la suerte A las orillas de la suerte