Here are some of the tabs i made by ear, mostly because they were not available neither on the net, nor in the shops.
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Home========== El payande ========== Artist: Lhasa de Sela (La Llorona) Transcription by Jelloul ( Date:12/02/07 Standard tuning. There are two guitars, here is the transcription for the rythmic. Chords: ====== A#m:466444 C#sus2:x46644 D#7:x68686 Play the rythmic with the thumb. Riffs: ===== A#m C#sus2 D#7 e||-4---------|| e||-4---------|| e||-6---------|| B||-4---------|| B||-4---------|| B||-8---------|| G||-4---------|| G||-6---------|| G||-6-----6---|| D||-6---------|| D||-6-----6---|| D||-8---8---8-|| A||-6-----6---|| A||-4---7---7-|| A||-6---------|| E||-4---7---7-|| E||-----------|| E||-----------|| Now, the tricky part, the riff between A#m and C#sus2. Riff1: ===== A#m C#sus2 e|-4--|-4-4-4-6-6-6--7-7-7---|-4---| <- 5th finger B|-4--|-4-4-4-4-4-4--4-4-4---|-4---| G|-4--|----------------------|-6---| D|-6--|-6-----5------4-------|-6---| <- thumb A|-6--|----------------------|-4---| E|-4--|----------------------|-----| Intro: A#m (x5) Riff1 C#sus2 A#m D#7 A#m ===== Verse: ===== A#m Nací en la playa de mar y a-renas D#7 Bajo la sombra de un payande Como mi madre fue una esclava A#m Riff1 También la marca yo la llevé Chorus: ====== C#sus2 Ay A#m Suerte maldita de llevar cadenas D#7 Y ser esclava A#m Riff1 Y ser esclava de un vil señor C#sus2 Ay A#m Suerte maldita de llevar cadenas D#7 Y ser esclava A#m Y ser esclava ... de un vil se----ñor